“Shocked! Kim Minjae can make a comeback as Napoli”…Rumors of all-time absurd transfer “KIM is needed to climb back to the top!” Napoli defender’s line-up also has an impact

It’s the most absurd transfer rumor ever. It is a transfer rumor that center back Kim Min-jae, who moved from Napoli to Bayern Munich ahead of this season, could make a comeback to Napoli again.

Last season, Napoli made a splash and reached the top of Italy’s Serie A for the first time in 33 years. It has received worldwide acclaim. At the center was defender Kim Min-jae. Upon moving to Napoli, he became Italy’s best defender and was named Serie A’s best defender.

Since then, Kim Min-jae, who received a love call from Europe’s leading big clubs, wore a Bayern Munich uniform with the highest transfer fee in Asia of 50 million euros (71.1 billion won). I’m getting used to it. As soon as he moved to Bayern Munich, he pushed Matthijs de Licht, who was an undisputed mainstay, to the bench and established himself as an undisputed mainstay. There are also praise for Kim Min-jae’s performance.

Naples, on the other hand, suffered a decline. Victor Osimhen, who won last season’s championship, and Hvicha Kbaratshelia stayed, but they failed to cheer up at the beginning of the season. Then, local media pointed out that Napoli’s biggest problem was Kim Min-jae’s absence. All of the replacements for Kim Min-jae failed to fill Kim Min-jae’s gap.

Napoli started with a 3-1 victory over Frosinone in the first round and a 2-0 victory over Sousaolo in the second round, but fell to Lazio 1-2 in the third round. And he received tremendous criticism when he won three consecutive games in a row before Genoah (2-2) in the fourth round and Bologna (0-0) in the fifth round.

And there was also a controversy over Osimhen’s racism in the Bologna match. When Osimhen missed the penalty in the match against Bologna, Napoli mocked Osimhen as he posted a scene on the club’s official account where he missed the penalty. He also caused a racist controversy by comparing Osimhen to a coconut.

In response, Osimhen agent Roberto Calenda said, “We cannot accept the video posted on the official account of Naples. “We will take legal action to protect Osimhen,” he warned.

In addition, Osimhen openly expressed his dissatisfaction with the manager, throwing clothes in the process of being replaced in the Bologna match. A video of Osimhen turning away from his teammates was also released, sparking controversy. This is why there have been reports that Osimhen, the club, the manager, and colleagues are experiencing discord. However, it seems that the controversy is no longer growing and is being settled. 온라인카지노

After the Osimhen controversy, Napoli gradually settled down. They defeated Udinese 4–1 in the sixth round and Lecce 4–0 in the seventh round. Napoli, which won two consecutive games, rose to third place in the league with four wins, two draws and one loss and 14 points. The first and second places are Inter Milan and AC Milan, who both have 18 points. The gap is four points.

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