NICC failed to support independent monitor in Star Sydney

The New South Wales Independent Casino Commission (NICC) has not approved the hiring of independent monitors for Star Entertainment Group’s Star Sydney casino properties.

Nicholas Weeks, the NICC’s nominee, is now the leader of Star Sydney Casino Real Estate. The decision came after the casino’s license was suspended last October and the fine the casino was due was decided. The penalty due is A$100 million ($66.5 million).

Queensland casino licenses will also be reviewed. If authorities decide to suspend licenses for two casinos in the state, it will be a significant loss for the company.

Star Entertainment Group released a statement Thursday. The company said it involved a company called Allen & Aubrey Consulting in the process. A&O’s services include monitoring and warranty services ‘regarding the progress of management implementing the relief measures disclosed.’

NICC disagrees with this employment. They did not support including independent monitors as they said.

Calibration programs established by Star Entertainment Group are not approved or rejected by NICC. This program is still in its preliminary phase, and the company is still waiting for a response.

But it looks like the company will wait a long time. Weeks believes NICC will not be commenting for a while and that the program will not be revised for a while. 바카라사이트

Under the leadership of Weeks, the casino is still open, and The Star is still netting. At the same time, Weeks is considered a license holder because he is responsible for and controlling the casino’s business issues.

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