Lotte held a match day for the Ministry of Environment on the 7th against Samsung on “Blue Sky Day.”

Lotte will hold a special event in three consecutive home games in Ulsan. On the 5th, the first day of three consecutive games, Lotte Department Store Ulsan Branch Match Day will be held. Invite executives and customers. Lim Heung-seop, who was selected as the best customer of the Ulsan branch, and Kim Dae-hwan, the manager of the Ulsan branch, will attend the first pitch of the game.

We will cooperate to provide convenience to residents and grow together through revitalizing regional win-win, said Kim through the club. “We will continue to create opportunities to communicate and enjoy together through various events in the future.” 바카라

On the 6th, Kim Chul-wook, chairman of the Ulsan Sports Council, will pitch. On the 7th, the last day of the three consecutive games, it will be held as a match day of the Ministry of Environment to mark the 4th Blue Sky Day. Blue Sky Day is an official UN anniversary and national anniversary proposed and designated by South Korea to urge global participation and action to improve the air environment.

Eight-year-old twin brothers Lee Pureun and Lee Ha-neul, who were selected by holding an event on the club’s Instagram, will start the first pitch and start the game, respectively. In addition, the Ministry of Environment’s slogan of this year, “TOGETHER FOR CLEAN AIR,” will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis to the audience. Electronic display events are also prepared during the game. The match day game can be booked through the club’s official website or APP.

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