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Cam Redding, his girlfriend who has been dating McTominay for a year, posted a Christmas party scene on his SNS account on Sunday. Wearing a black dress that clearly reveals her chest, Redding boasts blonde beauty.

Reading was seen enjoying a party with friends dressed in black dress code. “Shall we lighten up the Christmas spirit?” she said. Luke Shaw’s girlfriend, Anosca Santos, and Donny van der Beek’s girlfriend, Estelle Berkamp, pressed “Like” and the Manchester United girlfriends strengthened their friendship. 바카라사이트넷

Reading is envious of others by posting pictures of his relationship with McTominay. McTominay for the Scotland national team boasts a much taller than 193 centimeters. He is the core of the midfield, where he started 12 of Manchester United’s 15 matches this season. He has scored five goals and boasts of scoring ability.

However, Manchester United, which has shown sluggish performance with one draw and three losses recently, has plummeted to eighth place in the league. Manchester United was also completely defeated 0-2 at an away match against West Ham on Sunday.

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