Gateway casino says further delays in negotiations with workers’ unions could disrupt operations

Gateway Casino, the operator of four Okanagan casinos whose employees are currently on strike, shared that employees are taking too long to make offers in negotiations between workers and employers. The company also warned that further delays in the process could lead to more serious disruptions, such as those at Hard Rock Casino located in Coquitlam.

Currently, the British Columbia Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU) represents Hard Rock casino workers at the negotiating table with casino workers and gambling operators at Okanagan locations.

As Casino Report said earlier, 400 Hard Rock casino employees have been on strike for about two months, and the strike of 700 casino workers in Okanagan has been continuing since Canada Day weekend.

According to media reports, three days after the adjustment began, Gateway Casino said it was not satisfied with the wage rate the union put on the negotiating table. The employer also warned workers’ representatives that alternatives should be presented before July 20. In response to workers’ demand that wages should match living wages, the company commented, “The increase they are seeking is unreasonable.”

Tanya Gabara, a spokesman for Gateway Casino, said in an email that the union representing the company’s employees had offered the casino security officer’s wages 23% greater than the first-time salary of a trained new employee of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Mr Gavara also said the service staff union’s requirements for some other positions were similar to the income of school teachers, nurses and traders.

Negotiations Unaffected by Casino Money Laundering Report
Given the differences in positions between Gateway Casinis and trade unions, BCGEU executive director Doug Kina explained that the gambling operator’s employees are simply demanding what he calls the “Industrial Standards Agreement.” Executive Director Kina said several excellent offers have been put forward for employers to respond to, and the union is willing to return to the negotiating table at any time when the company is ready to respond to the offer.

Mr Kinna also noted that initiating alternative proposals is a more complex format, and that it cannot be made so quickly and will certainly take more time. 안전놀이터

Previously, the employer said that despite the strike, the casino is still operating, but it is not full.

The disruption to venue operations comes at a time when the entire casino industry in British Columbia is under close watch over recent allegations that local gambling venues are linked to illegal money laundering schemes. A recently published report on the issue even called local casinos “launders” to launder dirty money. However, both Gateway Casino and BCGEU’s vice president argued that the report had no negative impact on the negotiations and that they were expecting further recommendations from the industry.

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