Casino slot machine and electronic table game supplier Aruse Gaming America said on Wednesday it was choosing to voluntarily restructure its finances under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Act under legal challenges, but highlighted its “intention to operate normally.”

The group’s voluntary petition is in the U.S. bankruptcy court in Nevada.

The company said it was related to “the latest Garment ruling against Aruse from a separate judgment on Aruse’s shareholders.” It did not provide further details on the ruling.

However, the company says it intends to “continue operations normally” and uses Chapter 11 protection to provide “ordered consideration of the relative rights of Aruze creditors, customers and employees” for fiscal restructuring measures. 경마사이트

In a statement on Wednesday, Yuze’s global chief executive, Hugo Kinoshita, said. “This document was an important business strategy that we were forced to create due to external factors beyond our control. We fully understand the implications of this measure.”

The Aruze executive also. “This restructuring does not affect Aruzhe’s health… We are very confident that this measure will protect our brand, our heritage and our gaming family.”

On Wednesday, Aruse Gaming announced the resignation of its U.S. branch manager, Robert Zims.

CEO Kinoshita “will take on day-to-day operational responsibilities for the company, participating in the search to find the next leader of the U.S. branch,” the company said. The transition will take effect on March 1, 2023, it added.

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