“Canada is so cold.” “L.A. tax bomb + traffic jam?” Until I can’t laugh about Ohtani

The U.S. media is also pouring out real-time reports on the destination of Otani, who is expected to change the history of the FA. The most likely destinations so far are the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Toronto Blue Jays.

The Dodgers, which had shown keen interest since Ohtani was playing in Japan but failed to recruit in the first round, are again displaying an unwavering love offensive as the most powerful candidate. Recently, an interview in which Dodgers manager Dave Roberts admitted to meeting Ohtani, breaking his thorough “secretism,” became a hot topic.

Toronto has rapidly emerged as a competitor in the past few days. Toronto, which needs “stars,” is more aggressive than ever before in its bid to recruit Ohtani. Currently, Dodgers and Toronto are the most likely candidates.

In this situation, former Dodgers player Jerry Hairston Jr. and MC Sid Shishiro had a pleasant war of nerves at a morning sports program in Toronto, Canada. Each other argued why Ohtani had to come to Toronto with the Dodgers, and this became a hot topic as it was reported by major U.S. media.

“If you play in Toronto, Canada, you have to listen to two countries,” said Hareston, who is on the Dodgers’ side. “It’s great to listen to two countries. Do you know why? It’s because you listen to better songs after listening to the American national anthem.”

When Hairston said, “Canada’s taxes will reduce money,” this time, Sischeiro countered, “Canada’s taxes are high, but California is the fifth-most tax-paying state in the United States.” 메이저 토토사이트

When Hairston said, “Canada is too cold,” Shishairo said, “It’s a little cold in Canada, but I saw that it snowed in California, too. There could be a big earthquake.” When Hairston said, “I can live in a beautiful Newport Beach mansion and commute to and from Dodger Stadium every night,” Shishairo said, “L.A. is the most congested place in the world. Even if it’s 10 kilometers away, it will take eight hours to get to and from work.”

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