Announcer Kwak Min-sun of ‘Football Goddess’ takes a friendly photo with Lee Kang-in after direct contact with PSG Paris

Announcer Kwak Min-sun posted a picture with Lee Kang-in on his SNS account on the 22nd. Announcer Kwak said, “I am enjoying soccer in the country. Please make plans to meet #PSG next year + Olympics! Fighting for the Asian Cup amid busier schedules,” leaving a message of support to Lee Kang-in.

After the game, Lee Kang-in posed with announcer Kwak Min-sun on the ground with no one in the stands. Wearing a white long padded jacket, Kwak Min-sun posed ‘like’. She showed off her celebratory figure by wearing a PSG fur hat. 메이저 토토사이트

PSG defeated the scalpel 3-1 in Paris on the 21st. Lee Kang-in assisted PSG’s first goal in the fourth minute of the second half. Lee Kang-in reported his second help of the season. Announcer Kwak Min-sun seems to have watched the game himself.

Fans responded, “The announcer Kwak Min-sun is so pretty,” “The two of you in the world class met,” “You two look so good together,” and “I envy you that you can intuit European soccer.”

Announcer Kwak Min-sun has been broadcasting soccer-related broadcasts, including the 2019 Man City FIFA Online Korea Team Selection Competition. She also broadcasted the 2022 Qatar World Cup on the spot.

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